First Aid Officers are mandatory figures within the Company activity. The First Aid Officer has the task of carrying out prevention activities in the workplace and of providing emergency intervention in case of serious and immediate danger to the health of other workers. Group A - High-risk companies: - industrial activities, subject to the obligation of declaration or notification (Article 2 of Legislative Decree 334/1999), thermoelectric plants, nuclear plants and laboratories, extractive companies and other mining activities, underground works, companies for the manufacture of explosives, powders and ammunition. - Companies or production units with over five workers belonging to or attributable to the INAIL tariff groups with an accident index of permanent disability higher than four which can be deduced from the INAIL national statistics relating to the previous three-year period and updated on 31 December of each year. The aforementioned INAIL national statistics are published in the Official Journal. - Companies or production units with over five workers indefinitely in the agricultural sector. Group B - Companies or production units with three or more workers who do not fall within group A. Group C - Companies or production units with fewer than three workers who do not fall within group A
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