What do we do
The Company's attention is, as widely described, focused on the protection of safety and well-being.
When an injury occurs, according to an ancient legacy, it is usually attributed to bad luck, to concepts such as fate, something inevitable with respect to human intelligence.
More correctly, when an injury or exposure to a risk agent that can produce occupational diseases occurs, the cause is always the non-compliance with the rules.
The system of PREVENTION AND PROTECTION MEASURES or the set of organizational, procedural, technical and behavioral interventions make it possible to reduce / eliminate the RISK (R = P x D) in terms of decreasing the probability of occurrence / reduction of the extent of the damage.
Identifying the dangers to which workers are exposed, evaluating all the risks to their health and safety, implementing and monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the Prevention and Protection System is now an obligation but also and above all the primary objective of every company.
As Safety Consultants, Heads of Prevention and Protection Services, Qualified Trainers and training experts in the various sectors, we are at your side to offer you the best organizational and technical solutions suited to your needs.
S.S.A.D. is therefore able to offer specialist consultancy services on the implementation of legislation in the workplace (in Italy the Legislative Decree No. 81/2008 and the regulation DM 51/2012 on the protection of health and safety of offices abroad).
Ministerial Decree 51/2012 is in fact the fundamental Italian legislation for all foreign diplomatic missions to be observed above all for the identification of the various obligations applicable from country to country.