title 2
Following a careful examination and classification of the fire risk within the Company, a fire prevention project will be developed by the qualified SSAD technicians according to the most recent regulations.The classification of the fire risk in the workplace will be:
A) Workplaces with low fire risk:
substances with a low rate of flammability are present and the local and operating conditions offer little possibility of the development of fire principles and in which, in the event of a fire, the probability of propagation of the same is to be considered limited.
B) Workplaces with medium fire risk:
there are flammable substances and / or local and / or operating conditions that can favor the development of fires, but in which, in the event of a fire, the probability of spreading of the same is to be considered limited.
C) Workplaces with a high risk of fire:
highly flammable substances are present and / or due to local and / or operating conditions there are considerable probabilities of fire development and in the initial phase there are strong probabilities of spread of flames, a classification as a low or medium fire risk location is not possible.
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